About 15 minutes and $200.02 later, Dingle was given a clean bill of health... well, aside from all his 'pre-existing issues'... like the PRA, KCS, Luxating Patellas. So, I guess we'll just say he has no new problems, currently.
The vet actually commented on how good he was looking - his eyes especially - no tear stains, ick, etc. Yay (maybe we will make it a year between Forest Hill appointments).
Dingle is 4.3kg.
4.3kg x 2.2 = 9.46 pounds.
Sorry Dingle, you won't be in any CKC or AKC shows... you don't meet the standards for the weight class... plus you're neutered... plus you are a genetic mess, overall. But I love you.
The vet also said that for whatever reason Dingle seemed to look younger that night.
Maybe because he had a haircut the same day.
My boyfriend always says that Dinglehopper looks like a shrub after his haircuts... does this look like a shrub:
That picture isn't from his most recent haircut, but essentially he looks like same.
Shrub? Maybe (yeah, I can kind of see it), maybe not. But he's definitely a tired dog that prefers the hardwood floor over his beds.
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